В нашем клубе, не смотря на его молодой возраст, уже имеется пример удачных знакомств. И не один пример! Пока загружены фотографии только одной пары, скоро будут добавлены остальные пары. Это молодая пара, которая сейчас живет в Австралии. Девушку зовут Ирина, а парня – Энтони. Они отпраздновали большую свадьбу в Украине. В основном были гости невесты, только родители жениха прилетели из Австралии. Затем Ирина и Энтони улетели в свадебное путешествие – в тур по европейским странам. После того, как они замечательно провели время в свадебном путешествии, пара прилетела в Австралию, и у молодоженов было время отдохнуть и приготовиться к свадьбе для гостей со стороны жениха. Австралийская свадьба тоже прошла на «Ура!». Теперь пишут письма в клуб и рассказывают, как им там живется, а живется им хорошо… (Продолжение следует).

Вот письмо Энтони:

"Thank you very much Katya!
Hello, my name is Anthony Marano, I am 36, I am from Australia, in 2005 I decided to go to Eastern Europe for a holiday, and first stop was Ukraine, and it was where I fell in love with the people there country and culture, and I found the women were not only beautiful but they see a man for the man he is inside, so I stayed in Ukraine for 1 month, but I had to go home, so it was the internet I went to on my return home, and I wrote to a few girls, 1 her name was Irina and by her profile and looks I was very happy she replied, and we got to know each other through emails, so in early 2006 I returned to Odessa in Ukraine to meet Irina, and I won''t lie it is a long way to travel for me so I was meeting 2 other girls, the first girl I met was Irina, and she came with her translator Katya Levchenko, we had an interesting evening, getting to know each other, she was interesting and beautiful, then I met the next 2 girls with their translators, all was good so far, 3 nice girls, but I don''t want to spend my short time trying to date 3 girls, so I had to choose my best options, so I called Katya Irina''s translator, and told her what was happening, I asked her advice, as she understands Ukrainian women better than me, all she asked is that I meet Irina again and see what I think, well on the second date I got to see more of Irina and I started to think this is a great woman, and I want to spend as much time as I can with her, so I choose that night, I would try to spend as much time as I could with Irina, and Katya made that easy as her knowledge of English was great, now let me tell you this, I met teachers of English in Ukraine, and yes, they speak it good, the queens English, but many translators and English teachers can not understand Australians, how we talk, and I guess it would be the same for Americans, here we talk fast and make all words short like, (how ya goin) how are you going, so I found that Kate was 1 of the best, also I was traveling with my brother and a friend, so between the 3 of us I got to meet a lot of translators and see the inside of a lot of agency''s, and the things that go on, as for Kate she also proved to be a very honest woman, some agency''s translators and girls, my friend and my brother met are about making money, not finding love, trust me 4 trips to Ukraine have taught me a lot, so after a few dates Irina’s English from her school days was starting to come out a little, and with the help of books we were encouraged by Katya to go on dates alone, which was interesting and fun, you know a lot of women are scared, it is a big step but Katya was great, she gave Irina confidence to try dating alone, and for me and Irina it worked, we grew closer, after I went home I asked Irina to visit me and my family in Australia, she came out we had a great time, then I went back met all her family, and then we brought our family''s together in 2007 and married, nun of this would have been possible if it was not for Katya, and let me tell you there are a lot of agency''s out there who are only about money, I have seen staff writing fake letters while my brother and friend were looking in agency''s for girls to date, I remember I ask a girl once about her niece, she got upset and she said I have the wrong girl, I have no niece, so I took her to an internet cafe, and I showed her my email from her, and she told me that at the agency she goes too they write extra letters to make you buy them, like I said all about money, that is why I loved working with Katya, because I can give you my word she is an honest woman, who is trying to help women in Ukraine find someone special to share there life''s with, also Katya only takes on women who are serious about finding love, trust me this is important, some girls my friend met after a few dated said I am not sure if I can leave Ukraine and all my family. Well, Irina is with me in Australia and loving it, and to top it off I have a great family in Ukraine to visit, and I have also made a good friend in Katya, so if you are reading this and you are choosing to use Katya’s services, I can guarantee you honesty, and serious women only with Katya, and a woman who understands not just English but how we speak, Katya thank you for all you have done for me and Irina, and please feel free to tell anyone that if they want to call me and ask anything I have no problem, you have my mobile number, if you are reading this let me say 1 last thing as a good catholic, I will put my hand on the bible and swear to Katya Levchenko being a great woman, and honest in all she does.
Anthony Marano,
Queensland Australia".

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